Saturday, January 31, 2015

Lesson learned during the race of life.


All the text on this blog is personal testimony. It by no way represents the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or its doctrine. Rather it represents the personal conviction as a member of that Church. I am a firm believer that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds the fullness of God's revealed truth.
To learn more about what I believe and how it blesses my life visit

This week we:

1. Celebrated my daughter birthday at Texas Road House
2. Attended a primary teacher in service training
3.  Completed a challenging test in my designing digital circuit class
4. Completed (...well attempted to complete) a C++ Chess project.
5. And worked mandatory 12 hour overtime shift at work.

In the midst of the chaos driving to start my 12 hour shift I hear George Strait voice came on the radio singing:

"Life’s not the breaths you take
The breathing in and out
That gets you through the day
Ain’t what it’s all about
Ya just might miss the point
Try’n to win the race
Life’s not the breaths you take
But the moments that take your breath away"

To those like me who find the race of life running them, I invite you to slow down and remember what is truly important and what matters most.

The Book or Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ which if you have not read can be heard or read at:

The first book in the Book of Mormon 1 Nephi, chronicles the life a family that was running their own race so to speak. The Lord was guiding them out of Jerusalem to the land of promise in America about 600 BC. During their journey they experienced serious hardships but they were also miraculously blessed.

There were 3 things that I took way from this weeks study in 1 Nephi:

1. The Lord does not protect the righteous from feeling pain or sorrow. It is interesting that while Nephi was building the ship in the Land Bountiful that the Lord had protected him from his brothers by causing them tremble if they laid their hands upon him. But while they were on the sea the Lord allowed Nephi to be delivered into his brothers hands. From the language used to relate the event of his ordeal at sea, it is clear that he understood that the Lord had allowed him to be beaten and bound by his Brothers so that their wickedness would stand against them.

2. The innocent suffer at the hand of wicked so that God may more fully condemn the wicked.Nephi describes the suffering of not just himself but his parents, his wife and their children during his captivity. Watching your loved ones suffer is in many ways more challenging than facing personal challenges. Nephi murmured not against the Lord and as result was able to get the ship back on the path to the promise land through the Lord.

3. The wicked are susceptible to complacency. Nephi and his family were extremely well provided for in the land Bountiful. The Lord had provide them with literally everything they needed to make their journey to the promised land. It is when we forget to acknowledge the Lord's hand in all things that the Lord's spirit is withdrawn from us and we are lost.

In closing today's post I bear witness that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer.  If we follow his example like Nephi did and remember Him in all things, we will be truly blessed.  I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God and if we come unto him we will truly blessed.  I type this words in the name of Jesus Christ, 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Coming back from behind

Have you ever watched that old 90 show American Gladiator?  In the final challenge called the eliminator contestants would race through an obstacle course.  If on of the contestants in the previous round had really dominated they would get a head start of sometimes more than 10 seconds on their opponent.

I feel like I am starting 15 seconds behind this week.  Sometimes is seems like there just not enough day to get everything done that you would like to.  This week I must finished a Chess Program in C++, have a daddy-daughter date and mommy-daddy, complete my first digital circuits exam and attend and primary teacher in-service meeting.

I am grateful for the opportunity to be at a stage in my life when I can do some many exciting things but I don't wont to fail.  My rock Brittany has been and continues to be an amazing support.  Sometimes I treat her just like on more action item on my to do list which I know really bothers her.  Clearly I don't see her that way but I get so busy, it gets really hard to do something meaningful for her.  I hope when I finish school I will have the type of career that I can make her feel really special by doing things she never dreamed possible.

I promise I will put up some more content about me and my amazing family next week.  I new to this blog thing but really want to be able to have a way that I and others can chronicle just an important and formative time in my life.

Stay tuned for more!!


Thursday, January 22, 2015

cout << "Hello world" << endl;

Hello World!

It's midnight on a college school night and I have nothing better to do but ramble online.  I have dreamed about this moment for a long time and it is finally here!

Welcome to my blog.  Before I get to the meat and potatoes I will answer the following questions I always think about when I find a blog online:

Where did you come from?

A:  I am the slow to finish college student father of 3 (with 1 on the way) that finally figured out that a business degree just doesn't really hold much promise of a career that will pay your bills.  I have held 8 jobs in the last 8 years, was let go 4 times and lost my house.

I finally determined that if you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten.  So I determined to completely change the direction of  my life which leads em to...

Why are you here?

A:  I want to become a software engineer.  If I told you it was just because I was good at math, or that I was passionate in the subject, that would be a lie.  However not because I don't enjoy doing these thing but because I have never done them professional.  

Where are going?

My goal is living the greater Houston area making 65000 year as a software Engineer Intern.  Then I want to spend the rest of my life embracing all that life has the offer in terms of building new things and building my children change the world.

Stay turned for my next post.